Thursday, August 18, 2011

Handy-Science evidence, for God's existence about.

  • dog whistle (also known as silent whistle or Galton's whistle) is a type of whistle used in the training of dogs and cats. It was invented byFrancis Galton. This is discussed quite briefly in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development . In his discussion (Galton 1883:26-27) of his experiments to test the range of frequencies that could be heard by various animals, he notes that cats have the most all-round sensitive hearing, being able from a considerable distance to hear notes too high in frequency for humans to hear, and small dogs can also hear these notes, while large dogs cannot.

The frequency range of a dog whistle is largely out of the range of human hearing. Humans hearing is typically considered to be between 20 Hzand 20 KHz. A dog whistle is within the range of 23 to 54 kHz. Some dog whistles have adjustable sliders for active control of the frequency produced. Depending on the way the whistle is used, a trainer may simply gather a dog's attention or inflict pain for the purpose of behavior modification.
The name dog whistle is often used for both lung-powered whistles as well as electronic devices that emit ultrasonic sound via piezoelectricemitters. The electronic variety are sometimes coupled with bark detection circuits in an effort to curb barking behavior.
These kind of whistles are also used to determine the hearing range of people or for physics demonstrations.

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Science of Radioactivity

The latest weather forecast reports that the winds over the nuclear power plant in Japan have switched directions, and instead of blowing radioactive particles out to sea, the nuclear plume is drifting over Japan. Which is tragic, really. Given that there's over 5000 miles of ocean between Japan and the United States for radioactive materials to disperse, I'd rather take the fallout this way than see Japan further under siege.
But winds are fickle, and the battle to contain the nuclear crisis at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant still rages.
You already know how I feel about stockpiling iodide pills (DON'T). And I gave you the 11 reasons why US left coasters shouldn't freak out about radiation in Japan (namely, we're safe right now). But I have yet to put on my white coat and fill you in on what you should know about nuclear radiation and how it affects our bodies.

So here goes. Are you listening there in the back (Bueller...Bueller)? Where's my chalkboard? Now keep in mind that I nearly had a mental meltdown trying to keep my grades up in my pre-med physics classes at Duke. This is not your friendly neighborhood nuclear physicist's lecture. So we'll keep this real simple.
Radiation 101: The Facts, Just The Facts, Ma'amRadiation surrounds us all the time. It's in the air, the ground, our homes, and our food (oddly enough, bananas and brazil nuts clock in as the most radioactive foods). The average human is exposed to about three millisieverts of radiation per year, mostly from cosmic radiation and medical procedures. At these levels, any damage done can be repaired by a healthy body. While this small dose of radiation has not been shown to have any adverse biological effects on humans, higher doses can definitely hurt us.
For example, the power plant in Japan has been recorded spewing out up to 800 millisieverts per hour.
So What Happens?When cells -- and what lies within them -- get exposed to radiation, components of DNA and critical proteins within the cell get all jazzed up (ionized), meaning that the electrons with our atoms get kicked out, causing the DNA strands to break and the proteins to cramp up (denature).
Ionizing Radiation:
·      Leads to the production of free radicals
·      Breaks critical chemical bonds
·      Leads to changes in cellular structure within irradiated cells
·      Damages vital molecules, such as DNA, RNA, and other regulatory proteins
Because our cells are mostly water, this ionizing radiation breaking H20 down is harmful to free radicals (H+ and OH-). While cells are damaged by free radicals all the time, they normally repair themselves, keeping the body healthy. However, high doses of radiation can damage the cell's ability to repair itself, and then all hell breaks loose.
This shakes things up all over the body.
Let's do a head-to-toe walk-through to investigate how high doses of radiation can damage the human body.
  • BRAIN: Nerve cells (neurons) and brain blood vessels can die, leading to seizures.
  • EYES: Radiation exposure increases the risk of cataracts.
  • THYROID: When a nuclear reactor malfunctions, radioactive iodine (I-131) can be released into the atmosphere (this is one of the particles that hangs out in a "radioactive plume"). The thyroid is very sensitive to the effects of I-131 (in fact, I-131's affinity for the thyroid is used therapeutically to specifically attract radiation to the thyroid in order to treat thyroid cancer and overactive thyroid). When a healthy thyroid is exposed to I-131, it can lead to decreased thyroid function and, over time, thyroid cancer.
  • LUNGS: When you breathe in invisible nuclear fallout particles, it can lead to lung cancer down the road.
  • HEART: High doses of radiation can damage the cells in the blood vessels that feed the heart, reducing cardiac function.
  • GI TRACT: Sensitive cells in the intestinal lining can be damaged, leading to nausea, bloody vomiting, and bloody diarrhea.
  • REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Rapidly dividing cells (eggs and sperm) in the ovaries and testes can die, leading to sterility.
  • SKIN: Rapidly dividing skin cells can be damaged, leading to skin lesions and burn.
  • LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: Rapidly dividing lymphatic cells die and damaged bone marrow may have trouble replenishing these immune-boosting cells, increasing the risk of infection.
How Much Does Dose Matter?Obviously, how much radiation the body is exposed to matters a lot. We are all exposed to radiation every day. High doses of radiation tend to flat out kill cells, while lower doses tend to alter the genetic code (DNA) of cells. If enough cells in an organ are killed, organ failure can result.
Lower Doses of RadiationIt's hard to say exactly what radiation dosage is "safe," but certainly, any radiation floating across the sea from Japan to the US is currently deemed safe. While one station in Sacramento detected "minuscule quantities" of a radioactive isotope xenon-133, believed to have originated from Japan, the level detected would result in a "dose rate approximately one-millionth of the dose rate that a person normally receives from rocks, bricks, the sun and other natural sources," according to an EPA statement reported in this article.
While these levels do not put us at any known biological risk, higher doses -- such as those people exposed to ionizing radiation during cancer treatment undergo -- can increase the risk of cancers. Because radiation kills rapidly dividing cells (which is why we use it to treat fast-growing cancer cells), radiation exposure most increases the risk of cancers of rapidly dividing cells -- leading to leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and stomach cancers. Radiation may also lead to cancers of the prostate, nose/sinuses, throat/larynx, and pancreas. Many years can transpire between exposure and a cancer diagnosis.
So while we in the US do not appear to be at risk right now, the Japanese workers heroically battling against the possibility of nuclear meltdown certainly might be.
800-1600 Millisieverts (0.8-1.6 Sieverts)Workers responding to the Chernobyl accident and some 1945 atomic bomb survivors were exposed to radiation doses at this level, which resulted in Acute Radiation Syndrome (radiation sickness). 134 plant workers at Chernobyl power plant exposed to these levels of radiation suffered from acute radiation sickness. Of these, 28 died within three months as the result of their exposure, and two died within the first few days.
3.5-5 SievertsIt's nearly impossible to predict the threshold of exactly how much radiation you would need to be exposed to in order to die, but according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "It is believed that 50% of a population would die within 30 days after receiving a dose of between 3500-5000 mSv (3.5-5 Sieverts) to the whole body, over a period ranging from a few minutes to a few hours."
Everything In BetweenFor every Sievert past 1, the chance of dying within 30 days increases 15% above a base of 10% (meaning that someone exposed to two Sieverts of ionizing radiation has a 25% chance of dying within 30 days; someone exposed to three Sieverts has a 45% chance of dying within 30 days; at six Sieverts, the death rate is 90%). People lose their hair, become sterile, their bone marrow shuts down -- and at high doses, internal bleeding and complete immune system breakdown lead to overwhelming infection, hemorrhage, and death.

Perspective, People!
Most importantly, please keep things in perspective. The doses we're talking about here are the kinds of dosages we'll only see in nuclear disaster. No one except the workers at the nuclear power plant in Japan are at risk of any of these severe outcomes right now -- and because of their heroic actions, hopefully, we never will be.
May we all say a prayer for those we have lost to the earthquake and tsunami, as well as for all the power plant workers who are putting themselves at risk of cancer, radiation sickness, and death in order to protect the rest of the world. May God bring peace to the hearts of those who are mourning, and bring courage and serenity to those battling nuclear disaster, and may God watch over their families and keep them safe. And may the rest of us live in gratitude for our health, our safety, and the gift of living on this earth at this remarkable time in history.
For more information:
  • Read my post about why we don't need to stock up on potassium iodide.
  • Read 11 Reasons Why Not To Freak Out About Radiation From Japan
  • Read this great article from Princeton
  • For more about radiation facts from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, read this.
  • For up to date information on this evolving crisis, follow me on Twitter @LissaRankin and sign up for my newsletter.
Does it help to talk about this? Or did this freak you out? Does this make you question your own mortality? What are you feeling right now? I'd love to hear...(Psychology Today: Radiation 101: How Does Nuclear Radiation Affect The Body?)

Star of Betlehem, Science(Prophetical&Mesial) Revealed!

IT'S AN ASTRONOMICAL MYSTERY. A strange star is claimed to have appeared at the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. This site is an investigation of the story found in the BiblicalGospel of Matthew, a story often called the 'Star of Bethlehem.' It brings the words of Roman and Jewish historians alongside the visions of ancient prophets. It mixes "modern" mathematicians with murderous turmoil in the Roman imperial court. It combines all these with astronomical facts which no one disputes. And it concludes that the star was a real event. Come solve this age-old mystery for yourself...

  • Setting the Stage Overview,

JOHANNES KEPLER paved the way for rediscovery of the Star. He puzzled out the math which drives the heavens. He even used his formulae to search for the Star we seek. But unlike we, Kepler had no computer. With software incorporating Kepler's equations, we can animate ancient skies over the Mid East with great precision. When we do that, the sky comes alive...
THE BIBLE blasts worship of the stars. It even declares the death penalty for star-abuse! So, by seeking the Star of Bethlehem, are we doing something the Bible itself forbids? Actually, the Bible encourages attention to the stars, but only attention of a very specific type...
NEARLY EVERYTHING in the sky has been proposed as the Star of Bethlehem at one time or another. Why? Because investigators often grant surprisingly little regard to clues found in the Bible. But, a close reading of theBook of Matthew uncovers nine specific features of the Star. These qualifications become primary tools in our investigation...
THE NINE CHARACTERISTICS of the Stareliminate most celestial objects as candidates—they just don't measure up. We quickly see what the Star cannot have been. These ancient clues narrow our search dramatically and yield an hypothesis we can test...

  • The Starry Dance Overview,

OUR INVESTIGATION KNOCKS OUT most celestial objects as candidates for the Star. But there is one class of stars that might still match the rigorous tests we've extracted from the Book of Matthew: "wandering stars." That will be our hypothesis...
THE BOOK OF REVELATION is a puzzle. An enchanting puzzle, to be sure. And a tantalizing puzzle to one conducting an astronomical investigation, because John's book is full of star imagery. While some of John's vision is enigmatic, some of what he writes unfolds to us with the help of Kepler's Laws...
HUNDREDS OF PLANETARIA worldwidepresent "Star of Bethlehem" Christmas shows. Most don't feel comfortable using the Bible as the center of their performances, so they miss much of what we are finding. But one celestial event they nearly always include is a show stopper from an astronomer's perspective. The brightest event of our Magus' career occurred in 2 BC...
CAN A STAR STOP? Can and did. In the Southern sky, over the little town of Bethlehem...

  • The Day of the Cross Overview,

SOME ARE OBVIOUS, SOME OBSCURE. But there are many clues to the date of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth: violent Roman history, the Jewish calendar, startling ancient prophecies, a somber night sky. Each adds data for our investigation. We can deduce an important clue from the gospel records: Jesus must have died in a year when the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan fell on a Friday...
IT WAS DANGEROUS to be Roman if you knew the wrong people. Tiberius Caesar ruled the Empire during the time of Christ. He was not a hesitant or forgiving man. A plot to take his throne was discovered—the plot bathed Italy in blood—and it appears to have had a role in the execution of Jesus...
FAR FROM JERUSALEM a Jewish exileremained true. True to his people. True to his god. True to the land of his birth. The Bible records his mysterious vision: an angel speaking of the death of Messiah. And this vision, which at first seems obscure, can be gently pressed to reveal secrets—the timing of an execution to occur centuries later...
PETER WAS UP—it was time to speak. He had to address the rowdy crowd. A strange scene was unfolding. It was less than two months after the crucifixion. Worshipers from dozens of nations were in Jerusalem for a Jewish holiday. Suddenly, the disciples of Jesus began praising God, but in out-of-towners' languages! Peter stood, and he used the skyas he explained...
STARS ARE ANCHORS for historians. Scholars dance when ancient texts describe the sky. The heavens are so predictable that a description of the sky in a text often enables precise dating of ancient events. Our last clue for the day when Jesus of Nazareth was crucified comes from the sky. And it's the clincher...

  • What Does this Mean? Overview,

IF THE BIBLE IS TRUE, God has given signs to men throughout history. There is a common response by those who see wondrous things. We often draw near to understand more fully. That is what the Magi did when they saw the Star. The rediscovered Star is a sign to us today. So, we draw near to learn its meaning...
IF THE STAR was a natural event, does that mean it was not a miracle? Perhaps just the opposite. For, if the stars were arranged to create a sign, that arrangement is as old as time. A Star which is part of the orderly natural universe is a Clockwork Star. A sign put in place before men walked the Earth...

What causes the noah's ark and the great flood?, And how prime existance of humanity-race spread to the whole geographical sketch from first forme of geology and the first civilizations.